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Beating Recession

This is what the whole world is thinking of now. Its in this name, great country like US is committing blunders such as “protectionism“. Well what am I going to propose then? I can’t even think of alternatives if I lose job next month, let alone proposing a solution to this. What actually made me to write this post is this post by Dinesh.
I felt that his post was inclined towards asceticism. What I wanted to propose is kind of anti-theory to it. The mantra is “Be Greedy”. On that note, wanted to quote a famous scene from the movie “Wall Street”,uttered by Gordon Gecko,

” The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed — for lack of a better word — is good.
Greed is right.
Greed works.
Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit.
Greed, in all of its forms — greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge — has marked the upward surge of mankind
And greed — you mark my words — will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA..”

Yes, greed is good. Whether you admit or not, greed drives us towards our goals. One can say that greed is the cause of all these chaos. May be, its true, but it will be the cause for the solution as well. Yes, greed often misguides us. It directs us towards doing all evil things. But, its all in our hands to strike a balance. Not to completely ignore it. Greed is often misinterpreted. Its seen as a vice. But its actually not as bad as it is taught. It brings the best in you! And, greed can save your job as well!!
Again, its my humble opinion. Correct me if I am wrong..

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  1. March 9, 2009 at 7:54 pm

    You misunderstood my article. Ascetism is to live by renouncing the worldly possessions and live in a natural habitat like the jungle or the mountains. I hardly was asking people to do that. I was asking them to be happy with what they have and to learn the value of things that they already have. Greedy was the main reason we are here now. Greed of people who cannot afford to buy that beach house, Greed of the banks who gave the loans to people who can’t afford to pay.
    Dinesh, I don’t want to call it asceticism….But kind of renouncing from material desires(by being happy with what you have, not asking for more). But, what i try to say is, the key to survive and flourish, is greed. It is essential for our progress….

  2. March 10, 2009 at 12:09 am

    Greed of Knowledge – Yes. Not Greed of Wealth.
    But sadly we just don’t restrict our self from greed for wealth. If its just knowledge, there wouldn’t be any field like Applied physics, or applied maths….

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