
Posts Tagged ‘share’


June 9, 2009 3 comments

That’s a kinky title. Last Friday, I had taken a day off and was at home. I was actually forced to take the leave by my TL. Wondering how good the TL is? Wait, he is not an angel. He forced me to take leave so that I won’t cry for leave later when things get tight. Coming back to point, I was at home alone on Friday. Suddenly, I was tempted to try my luck with the stock market. I opened my PIB (Power India Bulls) account and was looking at the movement of the market.
As usual, I picked my best pal (It had given me a huge loss some months back), Suzlon. The stock was moving up. I placed an order for 500 shares at the price of 139.70. The order got executed in a flash and I was waiting for an opportune moment to sell them. Much to my distress, the stock started moving down. However, Nifty showed no signs of going down. It was strong and going up. The stock was now trading at somewhere around 138.40. My ‘gut feeling’ said, if I average (Remember, averaging is the worst thing to do in intra day trading) the price, I could get out with some decent loss/profit. So, I bought 500 more shares at 138.30. I was holding 1000 shares at an average price of 139. The situation was looking grim.
Beside all these actions, I was checking an important site for updates. No, you guessed it wrong. Its not Money Control, or Economic Times or India Infoline. Its one of the usual porn site (I don’t want to link to it), which I visit regularly. Remember I said I was alone at home. What else a risk-averse bachelor would do at home? Well, coming back, the porn site was filled with regular updates. (The title for each post would always be something like Horny aunties, Lusty lasses etc..). Though I was sifting through the porn site, my mind was occupied with worries about Suzlon. Things started changing. Nifty was +40 from previous day’s close. The stock too started moving up and it was trading at 139.20, 30…. I placed an order to sell 1000 shares at 139.75. Nifty was moving up and so was the stock. Alas, trade got executed. It was a decent profit of 75 paise for 1000 stocks. Profit after tax would come to 500 Rs. The porn site failed to give me something that this trade gave, an orgasmic pleasure. Is this what Gordon Gecko says in the following dialogue,
“You see that building? I bought that building ten years ago. My first real estate deal. Sold it 2 years later, made an 800,000 dollar profit. It was better than sex. At the time, I thought that was all the money in the world; now it’s a day’s pay.”
Note: A word of caution. Intra day trading is a very risky thing. It can wipe out 1000s in seconds. I have mentioned in the post that I have followed my gut feeling. It is extremely risky and stupid to do so.

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