
Posts Tagged ‘developer’

Comedy of Errors

For the first time ever, I am making a post which is somewhat relevant to my profession. This post is about a technical glitch in MS Windows, unraveled during my day’s work. Though MS Windows is known for its multitude of errors and glitches, I always prefer to use it. Once in a while, I have to pay the price for it. Today, when I was connecting to a remote system using the Remote Desktop Wizard, it led to a series of events. It somehow enabled the Accessibility wizard and followed by shrinkage of title bars of all the windows. As a religious Windows user, I knew the universal instant resolution, RESTART. However, even after restarting the system, the title bar was still in shrunk state.
It took me less than 2 seconds to find the resolution on Internet and here is the link (I admire Microsoft’s Knowledge base website). However, what I couldn’t find till now is, the missing link. How did Remote desktop wizard enable Accessibility option? It still remains a mystery…
As a developer, I could understand the predicament of other developers. This situation reminds me of a story, explained in the book “Comedy of Errors” (Not Shakespeare’s), about the origin of pyramids. The story goes like,
“Once a pharaoh called his priest and ordered to construct a skyway to heaven for his after-life. The priest knew that if he fails to deliver, he will not live another day. So the priest asks the masons to build something that will never be completed. Thus came pyramids. A skyway to heaven for Pharaoh’s after-life was the promise, what got delivered was the Pyramid. The pharaoh assumes that the priest will build a skyway never knowing that it is going to be nothing more than a tomb”
Moral of the story: Any project upon completion will make a developer position irrelevant. So, he never misses to embed few bugs in it. And so am I.